Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So Much Sweeter

Have you ever eaten a warhead? If you are not familiar with what I am talking about, a warhead is a sweet hard candy coated with a thick layer of hellishly sour glaze. 

Now, when you eat a warhead, you can literally burn your taste buds off. There are videos on YouTube of people taking the "Warheads Challenge", and their tongues are literally bleeding at the end. That is how intensely sour these candies are.

As a child I would buy these and I would eat the first one, I would suffer through the pain just so I could taste the sweet inside. To me there was nothing that tasted sweeter or better than the middle of a warhead. The center made it worth the pain. However, being the clever individual that I am. I decided that I would just run the next few warheads under the faucet until the sour coating had dissolved. It was brilliant, I thought. After running my blue raspberry candy under the faucet, I was so excited to get to the sweet without having to go through the sour. But when I put the candy in my mouth, it wasn't nearly as sweet as it usually was. I was incredibly disappointed. I thought I had found away around the sour and made my way directly to the reward.

So, why didn't it taste as sweet? Because, there was no contrast! There was nothing to prepare my tongue for the difference in sour and sweet, so to me it didn't taste any better than any other candy! 

This goes with life as well. People often ask, "Well, if God is so good, why would He allow evil?" (We know from Isaiah 45:7 that God is actually the creator of evil not the "allower"). The reason that God creates evil in our lives and the reason that we are even on this Earth to begin with (yes Adam and Eve eating the fruit was planned), is because God is bringing us through the sour so that the sweet will be that much sweeter. Without the contrast that we will get from experiencing this life, in our current evil eon, the next two eons would be no big deal to us. 

So yes, God could have let us take the easy way out, He could have rinsed the sour coating off for us. But, thanks be to God, He didn't. Now, the next eons will be THAT MUCH SWEETER!

Monday, July 28, 2014


Look around. Look at the world. Look at everyone in it, and think. Can it possibly be true that God is going to save everyone? I mean, look at it! Look at the murderers, the drunkards, the prostitutes, the terrorists, look at Hitler, 9/11/2001, look at Vegas and Reno, look at the Middle East, at Pakistan and Israel, look at the White House, Obama, child molesters, the mafia, the hypocrites and the self-righteous. Look at all of the hatred. All of the envy and all of the greed. Look at the persecution from one belief system to another, from one sexual orientation to another, from one skin color to another. Look how corrupt and evil mankind is!

How on Earth can God save every single one of us wretched creatures. How is that even possible! 

I have an idea on how He can save every person that has ever lived. But, why? Why would God save everyone? I mean, look at the horrific things we do to each other. We mock God daily and yet He still plans to save us?

The answer to how God will save all, is the same answer to why God will save all. 

God will save all because He loves us. Now, I don't mean to say that God loves us in the way that we love cake and video games. I mean that God loves us more than we could ever even fathom. Those of you with children, think of how much you love your kids. Now realize, that God loves even Hitler, far more than you love your children... God will save everyone because He loves everyone.

God will also be able to save everyone because of His love. When each individual that wasn't granted faith in this life sees their Savior at The Great White Throne, what is going to be going through their head? They will be ashamed of how ignorant they were and how foolishly they behaved. They will be terrified of what is going to happen to them. But after they are judged, they will learn that even after all they had done. God still loved them. God still sent His Son to die for them, and Christ DID NOT FAIL! They will learn that God's love for them was greater than their hatred for God. They will learn that grace truly does super-abound. And after they awaken from the second death, they will be with God at the Consummation. They will remember what God had done for them despite their disobedience. They will be so consumed by His love and grace, that they will be praising God louder than most. Their loyalty will never again have to be questioned, because they will be transformed by God's love. Because our God is a consuming fire.

See, God likes to take something impossible, and then make it a reality. Walking around in a circle, blowing horns was His big idea on taking down the walls of Jericho? But it worked. Leading Moses and the Hebrew people to the sea with no way out? What happened? Taking someone that is insane, crying and strapped to a bed and giving him life and purpose again.... Christ gave Himself a ransom for all mankind, to be testified in due time. This may seem like a big boulder to move, but remember, all rocks eventually become sand. And sand will move with the slightest breeze.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Christian Terrorism

So I am sure that all of us can agree that Muslim Jihad's actions are appalling. But I would like to say something that might upset a few people. And that is this.... At least their victims are dead.

Now don't get me wrong, I still think what they do is horrid and detestable. Murdering innocent people by the thousands is heinous. But like I said, at least the immediate victims are dead. Gone. Asleep until the resurrection. 

Christian terrorism is far worse. The doctrine of eternal conscious  torment is down-right sadistic. The victims of this teaching (and I mean victims, as in people who have truly thought about unending pain and agony) are tormented day and night for their entire lives!

The doctrine of unending misery and burning is an outrageous affront to our God's Sovereignty and the fact that God is Love. To believe such a doctrine is to believe one of two things:

1. God isn't Sovereign.
      -God wants everyone to be saved, but ultimately human               will trumps the "Almighty's".

2. God isn't Love.
     -God doesn't want to save everybody. Only His elect.

There is terrorism in each of these horrible thought patterns. When I believed in free will I was terrorized by the thought of not measure up, not having enough faith, not repenting enough, and sinning too much.

When I learned about God's Sovereignty but not yet about the salvation of all, I was terrorized by the thought that The God Almighty had no intention what so ever to save me. That He created me solely for the purpose of feeding the flames of "hell".

Christendom's doctrine of eternal conscious torment is, in my opinion, just as bad, if not worse, than the actions of Muslim extremist's...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Why Even Preach The Gospel?

"Why even preach the Gospel, if all are going to be saved eventually?"

Are you freaking kidding me......? Is the a real question? 

How many times have you heard this question after telling people that Christ was actually a success?

This has got to be one of the most ignorant questions I have ever heard. Now, I am not trying to be abrasive or offensive, because I too have asked this question when I was first presented with this message. But, come on!

There are a couple of reasons to preach the Gospel now, and yes, even to the point of risking your life as Paul did.

One reason is because the more people that receive and believe this message, the more people that will have eonian life and will be reigning in the Celestials with Christ. Yes that is a great reason to be telling others the Good News of a triumphant Savior. This alone should motivate us into action.

However, there is more reason than just that. 
There are people out there right this very moment, ice cold to the core with fear, balled up tight and rocking back and forth, staring at a computer screen for hours and hours a day searching for peace. They are absolutely terrified that they are not going to make it into heaven. They are tormented from every single thought that seeps it's way into the very depths of their mind, telling them that they will never be good enough to enter heaven. Telling them that they will never have enough faith to be saved. Tearing away at their sanity chunk, by chunk. There are people shaking so hard with fear that their teeth are breaking. Their palms are damp and chilled to the bones. They cry tears of agony and torment every night until they are finally carried off into the night, praying never to wake again. Maybe even scared that if they die in their sleep they will awaken to eternal flames of agony and an experience even worse than what they are going through right now. There are people that want so desperately to end their own life because of the fear of endless pain and misery, but are too afraid to pull the trigger, or slide the blade, or jump from the chair. Because, if they do... it will only be worse on the other side. 

These people have no hope. No escape. They are trapped in this life, the lesser of two evils. They may have others around them that love them, but they can't feel that. They can't feel anything other than the fear that consumes their mind, every waking moment. The fear of knowing that God Himself is the One responsible for such a place. 

What can they do? There is no changing God. His mind is made up. 

I know that these people are out there today. 

I know this, because I was one of these people. 

The message of Grace and the Salvation of All, brought me back to life. I was not living when I was in that state. No. I was strapped to a cold, flimsy mattress in a psyche ward. I was injected with tranquilizers just to calm me down enough to put even more medicine in me. 

If it weren't for people preaching the True Gospel, Paul's Gospel, I would either still be strapped to that bed, or in a more expensive bed awaiting my resurrection. My wife and kids would be alone. I would have never seen my children grow. Hear them laugh. Hold them when they cry. I would never again tell my wife that I love her. My kids would have no dad to come to. 

The reason we need to still share the Gospel, is because.... I am not the only one that has been there. There are others right now, standing on a chair, or holding a razor, or grasping for a gun. 

All they need to hear is this:

"Christ was successful."

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Hi everyone! Today I just wanted to address a question I received from a friend.

He asked: Should we as believers be afraid of death? I mean wasn't Jesus afraid of dying to the point he started sweating blood?

My response was this: He wasn't afraid of death I don't think. Christ knew the kind of death that He was going to die. We know this because in John 12:32-33 He says that if He is lifted up from the Earth, He will draw all mankind to Himself. John writes that He said this signifying what kind of death He was going to die. Christ, I believe, was not so much afraid of death, but the process that would ultimately lead to His death.

The reason I am bringing this up is because it gave me the idea to open up a Q&A type process where I can answer a few questions that you guys want to hear my thoughts on. I want to make this blog a more interactive experience for us all. So I am going to post my email address ( This way if anyone wants to know my thoughts on a certain passage or topic I can look into it and post my thought in my blog! I will probably post my normal entry and then towards the end of the post is where I will be answering questions. 

Also, I designed a new bumper sticker that I hope to be ordering 20 of in the near future. I will mail these out to anyone that is interested in having one! Just let me know by emailing me if you would like one. Here is what the stickers look like:

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Why Pray?

So I am going to be completely honest with you guys, like I always am. I want to be an open book for you guys so you know that I really believe what I write and record.

What I want to confess today is that, ever since coming to the knowledge that God is in control of everything and that free will is not only false but easily disproved using simple logic, I had stopped praying. Almost completely. Just up and quit. I figured, what's the point? Everything is going to happen exactly the way God wants it to anyway, so why bother.

However, last night and right now I felt the urge to pray. This time though, I wasn't asking God for anything. No, I was just talking to God. Just telling God that I was grateful for Him and all He has done. I was thanking God for bringing me to the knowledge of the truth. Thanking God for my children, for my wife, for people like David Improved in other countries hearing this message and being moved to encourage others, thanking God for people like Dan Sheridan, who even though he was betrayed by those that were supposedly friends he continues to teach the truth. For people like Martin Zender who thanks to his Crack O' Dawn reports, started me on my path to the truth. People like Waylan Dabbs who made it possible for Kali and me to attend our first Scripture conference in Alabama. Thankful for Aaron Locker and the Pilkingtons, who thanks to the Study Shelf website can reach others with teachings and testimonies. Thankful for James Flanders whose audios got me through the early stages of doubt about the happy ending that God has in store. Thankful for Rebecca Witherspoon who encourages Kali and me through Facebook. Thankful for Aaron Welch who talks to me almost daily so that I don't get starved of fellowship. Thankful for Heidi Colpo who encourages my sense of humor because I could easily lose it in the midst of all of this. 

Prayer was never made to change things. Prayer is here for us to show thanks to God and to put our minds at ease. If we are worried about something, we should pray about it. Once we have prayed about it we need to realize that it is in God's hands. In fact, it was always in God's hands but sometimes we just need to feel the burden lifted from us and placed on the One who can carry it. 

Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. Praying doesn't change an event, but does change a person. It is one of the most amazing gifts God has given us and we should utilize it as often as possible!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

In Due Time!

1 Timothy 2:3-6 has to be one of my favorite passages. While looking at this passage, I noticed that many translations have tried desperately to hide the truth about the salvation of all. Many translations have this passage worded in a way that makes it seem like the "due time" spoken of has happened and it is in reference to the message of Christ dying for all mankind, as opposed to the factual redemption of all mankind at the consummation!

Have a look:

AMP :Who gave Himself as a ransom for all [people, a fact that was] attested to at the right and proper time.

who gave himself as a ransom on behalf of all, thus providing testimony to God’s purpose at just the right time.

gave himself to pay for everyone to be free. This is the message that was given to us at just the right time.

NLT:He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.
NIV:6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.

These versions change a future event into a past occurrence! This is a prime example of changing Scripture to fit doctrine instead of changing doctrine to fit Scripture! 

Let's look at a few other versions, including the CLNT and YLT which are literal translations directly from the original Greek.

CLNT: 6 Who is giving Himself a correspondent Ransom for all (the testimony in it's own eras)

who did give himself a ransom for all -- the testimony in its own times --

who gave himself a ransom for all; the testimony to be borne in its own times;

Even the KJV!
KJV: 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

The fact is, due time hasn't come yet! If there is one single human being not ransomed, than God is not finished with His mission. God. Will. Not. Fail.

Make sure when you are studying to use more than one version. You will come across these doctrinal biased translations more often than not. 

God will not stop until every sheep is back in the fold. Until every coin is found. Count on it!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Yellow Means WHAT?!

The other day I decided to teach my daughter what the different colors meant at a stop light. She already knew red and green. "Falyn, what does red mean?" I said. "Red means stop!" She replied. "Good! What does green mean?" "Go!" "Great job, Falyn! Do you know what yellow means?" "Uhhh.... no." "It means GO FASTER!" "Ohhhh, GO FASTER!" Of course that isn't the truth and I was just kidding around with her but I couldn't help but laugh and ask her to tell me what yellow meant. Her reply? "GO FASTER!" At this point Kali is already irritated at me, she looks back to Falyn and says, "No, Falyn don't listen to daddy he is being silly. Yellow means SLOW DOWN!" "Oh, slow down?" "Yes!" Kali kept telling her for a good ten minutes or so in the car ride that yellow meant slow down. Falyn would even start to answer correctly, but do you know what her answer is today..... "GO FASTER!"

The problem is that she believes the first thing that she was taught to be true and to be suspicious of all other points of view and teachings. How many of us were/are like that? I was raised Baptist and was 100% sure that we were right and every other opinion was wrong.

I just believed what I was taught first! I never looked into my beliefs myself because I was certain it was truth! Don't be comfortable in your faith if you have never examined what you really believe. What are the odds that you just happened to be born into a family, that just happened to believe the right things about God, that just happened to be in this region of the world? 

So my challenge to you is to not believe what you believe just because that is what you were raised to believe!

I believed in a vindictive God who had no power and/or no desire to save all of mankind. I believed in many contradictions to logic and Scripture. (Never-ending Torment, Trinity, Immortality of the Soul, Free-Will, etc.)

So in the words of Ice-Cube and Zach Galifianakis, "You better check yo self, before you wreck yo self."  Movie Clip!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"I've got God."

"I've got God."



God's got YOU! And that is far better than you having God. Think about it. When you say, "I've got God." What are you really implying? You have God, but others don't. Do you own the rights to the Almighty? You don't have God any more than Nickelback has fans. And this is fine because, God has YOU. If you had God you could lose Him, what if you left Him in your pants pocket and went on a trip without those pants? TOO BAD you don't have God with you anymore!  Okay I am just being a smart-ass, but really. When someone says they "have God" it irks me.

God has you.

God has everyone.

No one has God.