Sunday, September 14, 2014


The people that do the most harm to the Gospel and to the character of God, are not the ones that curse God. They aren't the ones that question God. They are the ones that "represent" God. They make God look worse than ISIS. At least after ISIS kills you, you are dead. God however is not so merciful. He is going to fry anyone that HE HIMSELF didn't give faith to believe the Gospel. Christians are like children that want to help mommy and daddy cook. They think they are helping, but in reality, they are making things much more difficult. 

When Christ was sent to Earth to be our Savior, He had to endure many, many things that He did not deserve. He remained perfect through it all. He suffered for our sake, He was beaten for our sake, and He died for our sake. Who made Him suffer? Who beat Him? Who KILLED Him? Was it "atheists"? Was it agnostics? No. It was the religious. The religious are the reason there are things like 9-11, ISIS, The Holocaust, The Crusades, The Dark Ages, etc. etc. Christ was scarred from the nails that went through His hands. Just as we are scarred emotionally and some of us, myself included, physically and mentally. Christianity and it's horrendous doctrine of eternal conscious torment, the free-will of man, and the Trinity can cause one to go crazy just trying to make sense of them! Let alone truly picturing what "hell" is going to be like if they don't measure up to God's expectations!  We are all scarred, but one day Christ will heal these wounds. 

This world that to us looks like a jumbled mess, is actually just a fraction of the Masterpiece that Jehovah is creating for His own pleasure. One day the finished product will be revealed, and not one soul will be disappointed...