Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Where there is a Will, there is no way.

I am sure that everyone is familiar with the saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way." That is entirely true...depending on whose will is being addressed. 

For instance, Jonah willed NOT to go to Nineveh. Yet God willed that he DID go to Nineveh. Where did Jonah end up? God had a will, and his way was a smelly belly of a fish. So the saying is true only if it is in accord with God's. If God wills it, there is a way. If God does NOT will it, there is no way. And if God wills it, there is no way... no way that is isn't going to come to pass, that is.

God wills for all mankind to be saved and come unto a knowledge of the truth. God has a will. His way is through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. There is NO WAY that it will not come to pass.

Most Christians today will NOT that all mankind be saved, because if all mankind were saved, then they would be no better than anyone else! They will say, but I chose you and they didn't, why do they get to come too? Even though they will (lower-case "w") that mankind as a whole is not saved, they have no way to stop it from happening, although they are seemingly doing a great job at hindering its arrival!

The only Will that will ever come about entirely as planned, is God's. So rest assured that no matter how many people "will" that you burn in hell for cutting them off at an intersection, or for telling someone that Christ was a success and that God actually knows what He is doing, His will is certain and it is going to come to pass.

P.S: In-case you are wondering... 17 times. Started to not sound like a word anymore.

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