Saturday, March 8, 2014

More Than You Can Handle

Have you ever heard the phrase, "God will never give you more than you can handle?" I am sure most of you have. This is supposed to be an encouraging phrase, in order to motivate you to follow through with something, or to help you during a rough time in life. However, I believe this phrase to be inaccurate and quite amusing. In fact I find it to be completely false. People who use this phrase are missing the point of trials. God WILL give you more than you can handle. If you could handle everything thrown your way, why would you ever want to know God? What motivation would you have to be close to God? God gives people more than they can handle in order for them to rely on God.  Without impossible circumstances we wouldn't need God. Do you think Moses could handle delivering the Hebrews out of Egypt if it weren't for God's help? Imagine if Moses tried to do it alone, with no help from God. Nothing would have happened. Pharaoh would have laughed and went back to drining his tea. With God all things are possible, without God, nothing is.

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