Friday, November 13, 2015


So, the Scriptures mention us believers as being in the Body of Christ, right? Some of us are arms, some legs, some rock-hard abs, and some killer glutes. And then there is me, at times I look around and see all these awesome members of our family and see how strong they are, how dedicated they are to study. How compassionate they are and how generous when another member is in need. Then I look at myself and feel like I am not doing nearly enough to be a useful member of the body. I classify this as "appendicitis". What the hell is an appendix for?? I mean seriously, it sits there and takes up space only staying alive because the rest of the body is. At times it needs help from the other members and it get that help. It is grateful, yes. But at the same time it feels pathetic and useless. Sometime the appendix can get so bad that it even needs to be removed from the body. If this were a possibility within the Body of Christ. I feel certain that it would happen to me at times.

I can go months without writing in this blog, or reading from scripture. I get so distracted with how busy my life can be that I never remember to take time to nourish myself with the words and teaching of Christ and the Apostles. Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever feel useless within the body? If so I understand completely. But, please, don't get discouraged. We all have moments where the rest of the Body is needed to help us. And as useless as an appendix is, God put it there for a reason. Sometimes we just don't know why yet.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Longing To Long For God

If I could ask God for anything, it would be for Him to put in me the desire to fully crave Him, and long to know Him more. I get very distracted from Him all of the time and I wander off more often than any other sheep I have met! I put in a half-effort from time to time to learn more, but I want so badly to just CRAVE God as if nothing else at all mattered! Because, if we stop and think about it, nothing else does matter...

Why is it that I can't just 
get completely overtaken by the urge to seek God and to know him intimately? Why is it that I can never stay motivated to learn more about Him, and talk to Him more? Does prayer change things? Does that even matter? I just want to speak with my creator, forget asking for anxiety to go away, forget asking for things around me to change. I don't even want to care about that! I just want to TALK with God for the sake of TALKING, for the sake of growing closer to Him. 

David worded what I am feeling, because he was feeling it too! I don't know if he was only feeling it because he was in the desert heat or if he always felt this way but he says, "O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water."

I want to feel that way all of the time! That is my prayer. That is what I want more than anything. Here is a secular song that I think really sums up how I feel about wanting to feel about God:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How To Become Righteous

"There are none righteous, no not one." -Romans 3:10

"Yet now, apart from the law, a righteousness of God manifest ."  Romans 3:21

"Abraham believes God, and it is reckoned to him for righteousness." - Apostle Paul in Romans 4:4

To become righteous, you simply must believe God. I say simply, because it should be simple. Yet, so many people now don't even believe IN God. It is not hard to trust an honest man to keep his word, no? This is a man! We have faith that if someone we trust says they will do something, they will do it. Yet, we can't give God the same courtesy? The Creator of the Universe has a credit score of 400?

I am not trying to ridicule anyone for not trusting that God will do what He says he will do. That is not my intention. I am only bring attention to the fact, that so many people are so close to the truth, yet they can't figure out how the only piece left of the puzzle fits. I mean picture that! Picture someone piecing a puzzle of 250 pieces together. They started with the edges; there is a God, He is all powerful, all knowing, loving. Then they started moving inward; oh no we messed up, now we aren't in a perfect state of being, now life kinda sucks, how can we keep all of these commandments and laws, I will never be righteous! Oh but wait! God sent His Son to die for us! All I have to do is believe! Now I have to get baptized or my belief won't count, oh and if I am not in Sunday School every Sunday morning it doesn't count either, I have to stop sinning now too or I am not truly saved....

Does this sound familiar?? This was me! This is still a lot of my friends and family! THEY JUST DON'T GET IT! The last piece is in their hand and there is only one way that it fits in the puzzle! IF CHRIST DIED FOR US, AND WE DIED WITH CHRIST THEN THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO DO EXCEPT REST IN KNOWING THAT IT CAN'T BE UNDONE! It isn't based on you, or your attendance, or your lifestyle. We have FREEDOM because of Christ.  If our righteousness were based on anything we do or don't do, then Christ dying was completely pointless! A complete waste of time and he suffered for absolutely no reason at all! It is so simple but mankind always has to complicate things! The only way people can't grasp this is if they are Divinely blinded for the time being.

Abraham believed that God would keep His word, despite everything showing the contrary. We need to believe that God and Christ have already accomplished everything, despite Churches and religion telling us the contrary. I know it is hard to believe. But if anyone can make something too good to be true, actually be true. It is God.

One day everyone will get it. One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord. One day everyone can finally place that last piece and rest knowing that the work is done.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hypochondriac Mentality

Some of you may have seen my posts on Facebook recently about having my blood tested for some serious conditions. I was entirely certain that I had at least one of those conditions. I have been panicking and stressing out for the last few days awaiting the results and thinking about how horrible it was going to be to hear the news. Turns out, nothing serious is wrong. Now normally, I am not a hypochondriac. However I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. These don't effect me at all when I am properly taking my medicine. However, if I stop taking my medicine for about 7-15 months straight, I lapse into the agoraphobic stage of panic. It takes anywhere from 3-7 weeks for me to be able to function outside of my house normally. The reason I say all this is because I see a striking parallel between my mental state when I am not on my medicine and the spiritual state of many well meaning people when they are not fed the truth of Scripture, and are instead filled with lies and traditions that lead to anxiety.

Think of it this way: when I am not on my medicine, everything and anything can and will scare me. There have been times where I was terrified to look at the sky, because all I could imagine was gravity just vanishing and me floating uncontrollably into outer space. It is ridiculous, I know, but with the right amount of influence from certain chemicals in the brain, everything becomes a very real possibility. Even, and sometimes especially, the most ludicrous sounding things. When something you trust (your brain) is constantly telling you that something is wrong, you start to believe it. Even when everyone else around you that hasn't been influenced by the chemicals in your brain can see how silly your thoughts have become.

When people aren't told of certain passages in Scripture, they believe that anything and everything they do jeopardizes their standing with God. They look at the sky and are terrified that God is looking down on them just waiting to condemn them to a torturous fiery pit of despair if they slip up. It is ridiculous I know, but with the right amount of influence from certain people in the "Christian" religion, everything becomes a very real possibility. Even
, and sometimes especially, the most ludicrous sounding things. When someone you trust (your pastor/preacher/deacon) is constantly warning you that God's love is conditional, you start to believe it. Even when a basic understanding of Who God is and what He has accomplished for each and every one of us, would prove to you just how silly this reasoning is.

2 Corinthians 5:19 (NLT) "For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation."

Take your medicine to avoid insanity.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Invest Wisely

If you think that our current lives here on Earth have one purpose, and one purpose alone, then you are sorely mistaken....

Why are we here? Is it solely to learn the contrast between a miserable existence of running around struggling, tired all the time, and barely scraping enough in to feed your family and a life of pure joy, abundance and peace on the new heaven and new earth? Are we really only here on probation? Just sitting around twiddling our thumbs doing nothing but waiting for Christ to return? Is that what we are called to do? Sit and wait? Praying for this life to end so the new can begin? Or is there something else we should be doing.

I believe that we are to be investing this life. Investing this life into the next. Whether we be ruling and reigning with Christ or just enjoying the Kingdom of Heaven. Wherever our roles end up being, shouldn't we have something from this life to carry over into the next?

Paul tells us that we each will stand before the Dias of Christ, and we will each receive what is due from our works in the body, whether they be good or evil. In this life, it is good practice to start a 401k among other financial plans; savings accounts, etc. That way when you are ready to rest later on in life you have the means to do so. If you invest wisely enough, you can do more than just rest. You can ENJOY the rest of your life.

In Matthew, Christ urges people to store up for themselves treasures in heaven. Although this is most likely in reference to Israel's part in the Kingdom, it is still (I believe) sound advice for all of us. Paul's statement alone should show that we should strive to invest in the next life.

Yes, we are here to learn to appreciate God and Christ and the gifts he so graciously gives us. However, we are also given the opportunity in this life to invest in the next. No this life is not the only "chance" for Salvation, but it very well may be the only time we have to make deposits into our Heavenly Bank Account. Make a point to do good in someone else's life on a day to day basis. You won't regret it.

I love and miss you all. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Counting The Cost

"For who of you, willing to build a tower, doth not first, having sat down, count the expense, whether he have the things for completing?"

Before anyone can call me out on this, yes I am going to use this verse out of reference; because I believe that, in doing so, I am not altering the meaning of the analogy, nor am I applying it to something non-applicable.

When Christ said this, he was talking to people who wanted to be His disciples. This is a statement made to them to teach them how foolish it would be for one to start something that they cannot finish. I believe this is a true matter for God as much as it is for man. If Christ was teaching men not to start something that they can't finish, don't you think that God would also know better?

Didn't Christ know that he would succeed before he ever uttered the words, "It is finished"? I don't believe that God would create the universe and everything in it, then introduce the sufferings and pains that we feel in this life, without knowing what it would all accomplish in the end. God counted the cost. He is willing and He is able to win the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone of His creatures.

He is starting on some of us early, we are amazingly blessed to be chosen to be dragged toward God here and know, be it "willingly" or kicking and screaming. One way or another Christ's love will compel us. Each and everyone one of us. So much so that at the name Jesus Christ every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father.

It is comforting for me to know that even though I struggle with it now, there will be a day where I love Christ with every ounce of my being.

(P.S. Alan, if you are reading this, I really could use some more Cheerwine)

Friday, March 27, 2015


"Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.              
    Remind me that my days are numbered— 
    how fleeting my life is."
                             -Psalm 39:4 YLT
This verse is especially important to me at this point in my life. As some of you are aware a few family members and loved ones of the body of Christ have entered in to rest, until they are resurrected. I am sure that you all have also noticed that I have not been writing nearly as often as I used to. I recently got a very full time job driving a cab from anywhere between 48-75 hours a week depending on what is going on in town that week. While is is great to finally be able to support my family better, I am faced with the flip-side of the coin. Now, I spend most of my time away from them. So although they are getting their material needs met, the emotional and spiritual needs are going unmet. Currently, I am driving 6 nights a week. However, since we are expecting another child in a few months, I will be dropping down to only driving 5 nights a week. This, I hope, will allow me to at least spend a little more time with my family. I also hope that it will allow me to study more of the Scriptures, and be able to share with all of you my discoveries and thoughts regarding what I read in them. This verse reminds me that making money is not the most important thing in this life. In fact, it is far from it. I need to focus on sharing the True Gospel with others that have been, or are, exactly where I was when God saved me from my misery. Had I never been revealed the truth about grace, my life would be nothing but fear and torment, until I found a way to justify releasing myself from this life, in a way that I didn't feel would send me straight to hell. Thank God for Jesus Christ. Thank God for the men and women that He used to reach me with the truth. I thank Him for Martin, Dan, Clyde, James, Regina, Heidi, Waylan, Alan, etc. etc...

It is sad to see any kind of division in the Body of Christ. It is also sad when someone feels personally attacked for thinking a slightly different way then the rest of the Body. I personally feel that instead of shunning someone for believing differently, which mind you sounds incredibly Amish. We should here them out and discuss where they are coming from. If after that we disagree would should just move on. There is no reason that it should cause such division. I feel like this kind of reaction to someone else's thoughts is what slows momentum and progress in teaching the truths about God. I love all of the men and women that I have learned so much from. Paul and Peter didn't get along for awhile in the Scriptures either, but they were able to reconcile their differences and get along. Time is fleeting and division like this makes it hard to bring anyone else into the rest that was provided me when God lead me to this group of amazing individuals. Had there not be a like-minded group of people already with the same thoughts (for the most part). It would have been harder for me to accept the things Martin had to say, given that he is a bit cuckoo.

Can't we just forgive each other for the way events went down and for the love of all thing good and holy, can we please hold another conference! I don't care if I personally have to set it up here. I need to see you guys and I want to learn more from what you all have studied. The longer I go without being connected to the Body the weaker I feel in this journey. Let's stop wasting time with silly playground bicker and unite again...

We don't have time for this. I love and miss you all.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Abundant Life

What in the world did Christ accomplish for us other than a promised resurrection? I mean, yeah that is awesome, but being human, I want instant gratification. What did Christ do that affects me now. He came to do the opposite of Satan. "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."

When I was under the impression that "God so loved the world"*, I was always afraid that He was still mad at ME for not giving Him 110%. As if I could with-hold any part of me from Him. I was scared for my immortal soul, because I didn't want to burn in hell-fire forever and ever. Satan STOLE my joy, he KILLED my happiness, and he DESTROYED my peace of mind. 

Bette Midler performed a song titled, "The Rose," and in this song there are the lyrics: "It's the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live." Now I understand that she wasn't exactly talking about dying and going to hell in this context, but for me it struck a chord. I was so afraid of DYING because of what was going to happen to me next, that I couldn't truly LIVE! In fact, I was barely alive at all! I was in a psyche ward weighing in at 110 lbs, being tranquilized and fed pills just to gain weight. 

It wasn't until God removed the blinders from my eyes that I was able to TRULY LIVE. No more worrying about whether or not God would still love me if I stopped going to church, or if I said a PG rated word. No more questioning God's power and/or Love. But knowing, that If anyone can make a story truly end "happily ever after" it would be the creator of the universe. The One who intricately formed each and every one of us, completely unique in our own ways. 

Satan steals, kills, and destroys us, and he uses the false image of "God" to do it. God will BURN you if you don't turn from your evil ways! God is angry because you had that extra candy bar! God only loves you proportionately to your love for Him! No, no, no. God loves you IN SPITE of your hatred of Him. "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Will God listen to His Son?

True abundant life comes when you understand that you cannot out-sin grace. And despite what you may think, you don't sin more. You actually have a stronger and more genuine motivation to change others' lives. When God chooses to open your eyes to the amount of love He pours out into you, you can't stop it from overflowing and reaching others. 
(* as long as you obey the 10 commandments, don't look at a girl ever, don't go over the speed limit in any circumstance, don't pop your gum loudly, chew with your mouth closed, pray only if you wash your hands, tell everyone else your sins, give me 10% of your money, go to church even if you are sick, etc. etc...)