"There are none righteous, no not one." -Romans 3:10
"Yet now, apart from the law, a righteousness of God manifest ." Romans 3:21
"Abraham believes God, and it is reckoned to him for righteousness." - Apostle Paul in Romans 4:4
To become righteous, you simply must believe God. I say simply, because it should be simple. Yet, so many people now don't even believe IN God. It is not hard to trust an honest man to keep his word, no? This is a man! We have faith that if someone we trust says they will do something, they will do it. Yet, we can't give God the same courtesy? The Creator of the Universe has a credit score of 400?
I am not trying to ridicule anyone for not trusting that God will do what He says he will do. That is not my intention. I am only bring attention to the fact, that so many people are so close to the truth, yet they can't figure out how the only piece left of the puzzle fits. I mean picture that! Picture someone piecing a puzzle of 250 pieces together. They started with the edges; there is a God, He is all powerful, all knowing, loving. Then they started moving inward; oh no we messed up, now we aren't in a perfect state of being, now life kinda sucks, how can we keep all of these commandments and laws, I will never be righteous! Oh but wait! God sent His Son to die for us! All I have to do is believe! Now I have to get baptized or my belief won't count, oh and if I am not in Sunday School every Sunday morning it doesn't count either, I have to stop sinning now too or I am not truly saved....
Does this sound familiar?? This was me! This is still a lot of my friends and family! THEY JUST DON'T GET IT! The last piece is in their hand and there is only one way that it fits in the puzzle! IF CHRIST DIED FOR US, AND WE DIED WITH CHRIST THEN THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO DO EXCEPT REST IN KNOWING THAT IT CAN'T BE UNDONE! It isn't based on you, or your attendance, or your lifestyle. We have FREEDOM because of Christ. If our righteousness were based on anything we do or don't do, then Christ dying was completely pointless! A complete waste of time and he suffered for absolutely no reason at all! It is so simple but mankind always has to complicate things! The only way people can't grasp this is if they are Divinely blinded for the time being.
Abraham believed that God would keep His word, despite everything showing the contrary. We need to believe that God and Christ have already accomplished everything, despite Churches and religion telling us the contrary. I know it is hard to believe. But if anyone can make something too good to be true, actually be true. It is God.
One day everyone will get it. One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord. One day everyone can finally place that last piece and rest knowing that the work is done.
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