Saturday, June 6, 2015

Invest Wisely

If you think that our current lives here on Earth have one purpose, and one purpose alone, then you are sorely mistaken....

Why are we here? Is it solely to learn the contrast between a miserable existence of running around struggling, tired all the time, and barely scraping enough in to feed your family and a life of pure joy, abundance and peace on the new heaven and new earth? Are we really only here on probation? Just sitting around twiddling our thumbs doing nothing but waiting for Christ to return? Is that what we are called to do? Sit and wait? Praying for this life to end so the new can begin? Or is there something else we should be doing.

I believe that we are to be investing this life. Investing this life into the next. Whether we be ruling and reigning with Christ or just enjoying the Kingdom of Heaven. Wherever our roles end up being, shouldn't we have something from this life to carry over into the next?

Paul tells us that we each will stand before the Dias of Christ, and we will each receive what is due from our works in the body, whether they be good or evil. In this life, it is good practice to start a 401k among other financial plans; savings accounts, etc. That way when you are ready to rest later on in life you have the means to do so. If you invest wisely enough, you can do more than just rest. You can ENJOY the rest of your life.

In Matthew, Christ urges people to store up for themselves treasures in heaven. Although this is most likely in reference to Israel's part in the Kingdom, it is still (I believe) sound advice for all of us. Paul's statement alone should show that we should strive to invest in the next life.

Yes, we are here to learn to appreciate God and Christ and the gifts he so graciously gives us. However, we are also given the opportunity in this life to invest in the next. No this life is not the only "chance" for Salvation, but it very well may be the only time we have to make deposits into our Heavenly Bank Account. Make a point to do good in someone else's life on a day to day basis. You won't regret it.

I love and miss you all. 

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