"Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is."
-Psalm 39:4 YLT
This verse is especially important to me at this point in my life. As some of you are aware a few family members and loved ones of the body of Christ have entered in to rest, until they are resurrected. I am sure that you all have also noticed that I have not been writing nearly as often as I used to. I recently got a very full time job driving a cab from anywhere between 48-75 hours a week depending on what is going on in town that week. While is is great to finally be able to support my family better, I am faced with the flip-side of the coin. Now, I spend most of my time away from them. So although they are getting their material needs met, the emotional and spiritual needs are going unmet. Currently, I am driving 6 nights a week. However, since we are expecting another child in a few months, I will be dropping down to only driving 5 nights a week. This, I hope, will allow me to at least spend a little more time with my family. I also hope that it will allow me to study more of the Scriptures, and be able to share with all of you my discoveries and thoughts regarding what I read in them. This verse reminds me that making money is not the most important thing in this life. In fact, it is far from it. I need to focus on sharing the True Gospel with others that have been, or are, exactly where I was when God saved me from my misery. Had I never been revealed the truth about grace, my life would be nothing but fear and torment, until I found a way to justify releasing myself from this life, in a way that I didn't feel would send me straight to hell. Thank God for Jesus Christ. Thank God for the men and women that He used to reach me with the truth. I thank Him for Martin, Dan, Clyde, James, Regina, Heidi, Waylan, Alan, etc. etc...
It is sad to see any kind of division in the Body of Christ. It is also sad when someone feels personally attacked for thinking a slightly different way then the rest of the Body. I personally feel that instead of shunning someone for believing differently, which mind you sounds incredibly Amish. We should here them out and discuss where they are coming from. If after that we disagree would should just move on. There is no reason that it should cause such division. I feel like this kind of reaction to someone else's thoughts is what slows momentum and progress in teaching the truths about God. I love all of the men and women that I have learned so much from. Paul and Peter didn't get along for awhile in the Scriptures either, but they were able to reconcile their differences and get along. Time is fleeting and division like this makes it hard to bring anyone else into the rest that was provided me when God lead me to this group of amazing individuals. Had there not be a like-minded group of people already with the same thoughts (for the most part). It would have been harder for me to accept the things Martin had to say, given that he is a bit cuckoo.
Can't we just forgive each other for the way events went down and for the love of all thing good and holy, can we please hold another conference! I don't care if I personally have to set it up here. I need to see you guys and I want to learn more from what you all have studied. The longer I go without being connected to the Body the weaker I feel in this journey. Let's stop wasting time with silly playground bicker and unite again...
We don't have time for this. I love and miss you all.
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