Monday, August 4, 2014

Why Did Christ Even Die?

How many times have you heard that Christ died for your sins? Of these many times, how many times did the person telling you this actually believe it? In the same breath, they tell you that you have to believe that He died for your sins, else it doesn't matter that He did. Where is the logic in that? "Oh but there are somethings that we will never understand, they are beyond our comprehension because we are mere humans." The "trinity" is another perfect example of logic-less theology. 

So, my question is this. Why did Christ die if it didn't work? "You don't believe something to make it true, you believe it because it is true." Either Christ died to take away the sins of the world, or He didn't. Now, let me ask. Can any amount of disbelief from you change past events? There are people today that deny that the Holocaust even happened. Does that change the fact that it did? No. If that were the case, the only thing people would have to do to lose weight would be to believe hard enough that they didn't eat McDonald's every day last week. Because if you have enough faith then you can apparently change the past. This is the logic of Christendom. Christ only died for your sins if you believe that He did. Otherwise, tough luck. 

What Christ accomplished is a done deal. It is a fact set in the past that cannot be altered in anyway by belief or anything else. "It is finished." 

The only thing left to do is to rest in this fact. The fact that you can't screw it up. A tormenting thought that I had struggled with my entire life, is that I would screw up my salvation. It wasn't until I really awakened to the fact that I can't change what Christ has accomplished over 2000 years ago that I really found peace. 

"It is finished."
"It is finished."
"It is finished!"


  1. I feel like moving from a highway to a run way........!!!!!

  2. Great entry Chris. "It is finished" means so much to me. Keep posting !!!!!
