Monday, August 18, 2014

Help for a Soldier!

Selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself! I know that sounds funny. It's like I am saying that selflessness is the ultimate for of selfishness. Which is exactly what I am saying, only without the negative connotation that is attached to the latter word.

When you help yourself, what do you get out of it? You get whatever it is that you wanted in that moment of course. You can also get far in life by helping yourself. I am not condemning the act of helping one's self at all. There is nothing really wrong about trying to make sure you are taken care of and making sure you are putting in the effort to be independent for when no one else can be there. But, we are not independent creatures. We were made to depend on each other, and our very existence depends on the One that made us.  Each breath we take was given to us, every heartbeat, every tear, every laugh, every good thing and every bad thing were all given to us. 

So what do we get out of helping others and being selfless? Well first of all, the people that we help will be affected in more than just a physical way. Our acts of kindness will resonate with them and encourage an attitude of selflessness in them. In us, it will provide a sense of purpose and a sense of happiness. Think about the grand scheme of life. Look at how small we are and how seemingly useless we are. We will continue to feel useless, unless we start to impact others lives. 

I would like to start this movement of selflessness by donating to someone in great need of our help. If you would like to donate to help this man who has been of great influence and of great help in my life and many others, please leave a donation using the link in the top right and attach a note telling me that it is for the one in need. THIS MONEY IS NOT GOING TO ME. (If you would like to know to whom your money will be going to please message me on Facebook, the individual is unaware that I am putting this together and I am not sure he wants people to know that he is in need).

Just think, if everyone were self-less, no one would have to be selfish. Please, if you can help, do so. If not then help others in a different way. It will benefit you as well! =) Thank you guys so much for reading, and please know that the money will be furthering Paul's Gospel and the Message of Grace!

PS: If you can't figure out how to add a note, please Facebook me and I will make sure it goes to him!

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