I know that is one is going catch me a lot of heat from some. However, this question is quite relevant and important to the peace of mind of many people. People that have heard of doctrines such as the "Serpent's Seed" and other similar doctrines can grow uneasy when the thought of God saving all men comes up, because technically not everyone would be included in that, because some would not be descendant of Adam, therefore excluding them from salvation. Making their end either "eternal" conscious torment, or utter annihilation. Neither one of them is a very happy expectation.
However, we know that there is to be a "Restitution of All Things" Acts 3:21 tells us this. This verse literally spells out that God is going to restore ALL THINGS. We know that Satan was the adversary from the beginning, but does that mean that he was bad from the beginning or that he was just destined to be the adversary?
I can't say for sure what I believe as far as that goes but here are a couple of passages that stand out to me. "For by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are on Earth, visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him." Colossians 1:16
So we know that Satan was created by God. I don't know of anyone that denies that. Next passage:
"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good."
So from this we can't necessarily conclude that Satan was once good. But I believe that it hints at that at least a bit. If this is the case, then Satan had to have gone from good to bad, and restoration therefore would mean that he is going to be restored to good!
This is just a thought of mine. Nothing to take as solid truth, because I am not myself convinced by my argument. However, the way I see it is like this... If a man catches a fish, he isn't that special. If a man catches 100 fish he is great. If a man catches all but one fish in the lake he is amazing. But he won't be perfect until he catches the last fish, the hardest fish to catch. I believe that God is perfect and that God is able. I don't believe that when we get to be in His presence that He will be telling us the story of "The One That Got Away."
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