How many of us growing up in religion heard all the time when we were scared or worried that we should just trust God, because He is in control. This would be awesome advice if any of us actually believed that God was in control. However, most of us didn't, so when we were being "comforted" by church members saying that everything would be okay because God is in control, we weren't comforted at all. We would think to ourselves, well if I have enough faith in God then I won't be scared anymore because my faith will make God cause good to happen to me and nothing bad will come. I have to control my future based on how pleasing I am to God.
The problem is, it is hard to trust God to run the universe if you don't in fact believe that He RUNS THE UNIVERSE. So the recent Ebola scare and ISIS scare, which are most likely government agendas for profit on Pharma-Companies and Oil, etc. Can be scary and, I will admit, last night I was even a bit anxious about all of it. I am not scared of catching Ebola, nor am I scared about ISIS. I was scared of my government and what they plan to do. I kept thinking about the end-time prophecies and other things that could happen to me.
The media only airs negative stories if you have not noticed. This, I believe is to strike fear and worry into us so deeply, that they can sell us all anti-depressants and vaccines. Then they make sure you keep watching T.V. by giving us something to laugh at or feel good about. It is all about money. Now, I do not condemn television at all. I just want to make aware the stuff that happens that we don't even think about. We need to look into things for ourselves, and by doing this it can definitely cause anxiety and stress, until... you get a reminder that God, the same God that formed you in the womb, the same God that knows every hair on your head, the same God that specifically chose us to know the truth, is the One in control of it all. ALL OF IT. So, knowing that God is the One in control, ACTUALLY IN CONTROL, can be the greatest comfort in this eon. Everything that happens must happen for God's purpose to come into fruition. What is His purpose?
To become All in all.
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