Do you feel worthless ever? Do you sometimes feel like you don't contribute much to anything, that you are kind of just living waiting for God to take us up? Don't feel valuable? Well if you are reading this blog I assume that you believe the truth of Paul's gospel.
Now why does that matter? Big deal, you believe something that is so simple and plain that a child understands it. Yet look around. How many other people can you name off the top of your head believe that Christ was actually a success? How many do you know that believe all will be made alive, and that God will be All in all?
That God is not counting our trespasses against us?! Well? How many?
So why do we understand this simple truth when most of the world doesn't? It is because we are chosen. Now I want you to really stop and think what this means... Seriously, don't just read these words. Stop right now and think. God, the Being who SPOKE and there was light, SPOKE and there was Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars. SPOKE and there were plants and animals. SPOKE and there were HUMAN BEINGS. The Being who controls all of everything who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and who IS LOVE. The Being who feeds and shelters the birds. The One Who loves you and cares for you more than any bird. HE CHOSE YOU! Imagine it! God BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH.... CHOSE... YOU...
If you ever feel useless, if you ever feel un-loved, just imagine God thinking about YOU before the World even began.
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