John 8:31-32
Young's Literal Translation (YLT)
31 Jesus, therefore, said unto the Jews who believed in him, `If ye may remain in my word, truly my disciples ye are, and ye shall know the truth,
32 and the truth shall make you free.'
Nothing I have ever come across has truly set me free like the truth of Paul's gospel and the Salvation of All. I was raised Baptist and of course we always CLAIMED that salvation was based on faith alone and no works, but none of us REALLY believed that. There were always people telling us that if we didn't produce fruit than we weren't truly saved. Regardless of us truly believing the gospel. Paul's message is pure unadulterated GRACE! Something that most of us as humans find TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! But I ask you this, is there anything TOO GOOD for OUR GOD not to be able to do? Many reject the salvation of all with this same reasoning. "It's too good to be true" they say. I am reminded of Sarah when she is told that she will bear a child. She LAUGHS, doubting that God can accomplish what He promised! Just a thought for the day: Nothing is too good to be true when it comes to OUR GOD!
Awesome Chris. I look forward to reading this blog.